CV in European format
(include date of birth and postal address)
- Additional training: study experiences within the Erasmus project or exchange programmes in relation to international networks; participation in workshops, specializing programmes and master; work experience related to design research field
- National or international publications (reports, essays, articles, conference proceedings,…)
- Participation in teaching activities (tutoring or contract courses) or research.
Transcripting of records
The “weight” of the graduation score is assessed in relation to the position of the university in which it has been obtained – a high “level” positioning is usually above the 75 point threshold; the duration of the study programme is also assessed.
Evaluation of the qualification(s) obtained (University level diploma)
The evaluation must also take into account the ranking related to the university of origin as well as the score obtained.
Research proposal
(with indication (name and surname) of reference Tutor of the Design Department)
Topic: must be relevant, original and in line with the department research, structure
Skills on the subject in relation to previous knowledge (teaching, research, publications, training and specializing courses,..)
Motivation statement/Letter
Through this document the motivation of the candidate can be evaluated, in particular for what concerns the choice of the PHD programme in Design at Politecnico, but also the coherence and relationships between the proposed research and the ongoing research activities at the design department of Politecnico di Milano, by outlining important future prospects.
Reference letter (without score)
Reference letter by a professor/expert/designer related to the design field.
Transcript of english certification
If available, or verification of the language knowledge through the interview.
The interview aims to check the knowledge of English of the suitable candidates, but also to understand their “real” scientific-disciplinary profile, and their objectives.
Note: It should be noted that PhD students with CSC scholarship, during their academic career (maximum duration 4 years), will be subject to an evaluation and verification process by the Chinese Scholarship Council, for renewing the scholarship. This process must be in line with the evaluation processes already planned by the PhD Board.