Incoming visiting PhD students

Depending on the country of origin and the length of stay, there are two different procedures.

The first regards EU Phd Students (any duration) and Extra EU PhD students who are planning to stay staying less than 90 days.

The second concerns Extra EU PhD students staying more than 90 days.

Applying PhD students will remain registered only at the university of origin, sub condition to attend courses based on the availability of each professor/course

This procedure can be followed by candidates that are:

  • EU PhD students coming EU University, planning to stay for any duration
  • EU PhD students coming from an Extra EU University, planning to stay for any duration
  • EU PhD students coming from an Italian University, planning to stay for any duration
  • Extra EU PhD students coming from an Extra EU University, planning to stay for less than 90 days

Who satisfies one of the above criteria and wishes to come to the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, as a Visiting PhD Student is required to have an invitation letter.
Contact and to ask for an invitation letter signed by the Head of Department/PhD Programme Coordinator.

Please note: sub condition to attend courses based on the availability of each professor/course

What follows is according to the Legislative Decree 286/98 Consolidated Act on Immigration – Article 27 ter – admission and stay for Scientific Research.

Non EU International PhD students wishing to come to the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, as a VISITING PHD STUDENT for more than 90 days are welcome to fill the following form and to send it completed with the required documents to and

All sections are mandatory.

Candidatures are accepted from 1st January to 31st January 2024.

Students can apply for only one position for each academic year, and for only one PoliMI supervisor.

Results will be communicated by e-mail as soon as possible after the application deadlines.

Applying PhD students will remain registered only at the University of Origin (sub condition to attend courses based on the availability of each professor/course)


Once the results are communicated, the procedure will be the following:

  1. Letter signed in original and on letterhead that provides evidence of the commitment of third sponsor body to provide financial resources for carrying out the project (Monthly resources equal to at least the double of the social allowance)
  2. Authenticated copy of qualification
  3. Resolution of the Department Board (the first available)
  4. Reception of the agreement signed by PhD student and Head of the Department

Then the Host office of Politecnico will take care of the request of authorisation to the Prefecture and the Entryvisa.

As per CdD resolution of 17/01/18:

“The University Administration has requested that the Departments must carry out the preparatory check with their professors, that the invited guests express their availability to fulfil the pre and post arrival procedures required by the aforementioned legislation:

  • Existence of a foreign sponsor to cover maintenance costs, flights and insurance
  • Availability to comply with the procedures established by the current legislation on immigration (visa for research, compliance with post-arrival appointments in Prefecture and accommodation documents for residence permit).”

Before arriving in Italy, the PhD student must have a health insurance policy at his/her expense, to be delivered to the Department upon arrival and the Department will not be responsible for travel expenses.

The amount of time required to activate everything can be estimated only after receiving all the essential documents, as referred in points 1-2-3, requested to start the agreement procedures.

Please note: sub condition to attend courses based on the availability of each professor/course.

Further info

No specific positions are open but, according to the interest and quality of the proposal, each one of the three Research Sections of the Department of Design might host a candidate.

Please note that presently Politecnico does not offer grants or wages to cover any PhD visiting position.

The research activity will take place at Politecnico di Milano, Design Department (Campus Durando, Bovisa, Milano).

Exchange UE/Extra UE PhD students

Erasmus PhD student Extra UE/UE from Extra UE/UE university wishing to come to the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, are required to follow this procedure:


Incoming procedures with the Erasmus offices

The candidate carries out Erasmus Incoming procedures with the Erasmus offices (Financial Aid and International Mobility Service - Chiara Pellizzari / Livia Fabbrini)

Confirmation of registration

The PhD Secretary Office at Dept. of Design receives confirmation of registration by PhD School Secretariat

Certificates or ECTS validations

The candidate make request of any certificates or ECTS validations to the PhD School Secretariat

Please note: is possible to follow PhD courses by submitting a Study Plan according to the procedures of PhD Programmes