
What is an author? Co-creating with Generative AI

By October 11, 2024 No Comments
15 October 2024 @Workshop Space Tre

What is an author? Co-creating with Generative AI

Federico Bomba

6.30 PM (CEST)

@Workshop Space Tre

B3 Building, Campus Durando



To make Generative AI (GenAI) more reliable and trustworthy, we need to understand how it interacts with people. To help with this, I introduce And We Thought, an art project by Roberto Fassone, winner of the Maxi Bulgari Prize 2023 as the best Italian digital artwork. In this project, produced and curated by Sineglossa, a visual artist and a computer scientist worked together to ‘hallucinate’ a Large Language Model through fine-tuning, with stories about the experience of eating psychedelic mushrooms. By examining how the artist and the model co-performed in producing the outcome, we discover some unexpected insights about their interactions, challenging the traditional idea of authorship. I suggest the concept of “entangled authorship”, which helps us think about creating knowledge in a way that goes beyond just individual contributions. This project challenges the idea of considering GenAI just a tools and shows how we can engage with machines in new and exciting ways.

Bio of Federico Bomba

President of Sineglossa and researcher in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Bolzano. After a degree in analytical philosophy, he directed shows at festivals worldwide until 2014, when he founded Sineglossa, an international cultural research centre. He helps create physical and digital ecosystems in which artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians and artificial intelligences collaborate to produce economic, cultural and social development. Since 2020, he has been the scientific director of the Nonturismo/Ediciclo book series and, since 2024, the editorial director of Mangrovia.

To attend the lecture, you must register by filling out this form.

The event is part of the evening lectures series “MORE-THAN-HUMAN AI. Exploring the boundaries between humans and AI in the design of regenerative futures”, organized by the PhD Program in Design in collaboration with the Design Intelligences Institute.

Picture credits

And We Thought IV_Roberto Fassone, AI LAI, LZ_Exhibit at University of Luxembourg during Nuit de La Culture 2023_ph©Nuit De La Culture Esch