08 June 2022 @ Online
Research Ethics seminar
Jonathan Hughes
10.00 AM – 1.00 PM (CEST)
The first half of the session will introduce the context and principles of contemporary research ethics, including research ethics scandals, the value of research and distinction between scientifically good and ethically good research, the relevance of moral theory and ethical principles relevant to research. The second half will focus on consent, tracing its prominence in codes of research ethics, ethical underpinnings, the elements of valid consent, practical issues in obtaining consent in research, and justifications for undertaking research without consent. The topics will be explored through interactive discussion of case studies.
The European Textbook on Ethics in Research can be downloaded free of charge from https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/0f37f142-c333-40a8-90a7-bba25c314720/language-en/format-PDF/source-85669945
Jonathan Hughes Bio
Jonathan Hughes is Senior Lecturer in Ethics at Keele University, UK. His research uses ethical theory and philosophical argument to address ethical issues on topics including conscientious objection in healthcare, autism and neurodiversity, healthcare resource allocation, and end-of-life decisions. He was lead author of the European Textbook on Ethics in Research and has provided training on research ethics to numerous Research Ethics Committees and postgraduates and researchers.