The deadline for submissions: 31 May 2021.
New European Bauhaus:
2021 Prizes
The Politecnico di Milano is partner of the New European Bauhaus.
The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life.
To accelerate the green transition, contribute to the recovery and ensure a better living together for all, we have to capitalise on the existing wealth of knowledge, experience and capacities as much as to call for new visions, ideas and solutions. The New European Bauhaus Prizes will encourage that.
The 2021 edition of the Prizes will contribute to the design phase of the initiative.
The Prizes
The Prizes recognize and celebrate existing achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas.
They give visibility to examples and concepts that illustrate how beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places already exist in our territories, our communities and in our practices, paving the way to the future.
There will be Prizes in 10 different categories.
In each of the categories there are two parallel competition strands:
- Strand A: New European Bauhaus Awards for existing completed examples/projects
- Strand B: New European Bauhaus Rising Stars for concepts or ideas submitted by young talents aged 30 or less
Strand A
New European Bauhaus Awards

The examples under strand A must have already been completed at the time of the application. Concepts, prototypes and solutions (tools, methods, ideas) that have not been implemented in real contexts are not eligible.
Strand B
New European Bauhaus Rising Stars

The concepts/ideas under strand B can be at different stages of development from the early concepts to prototype level and should be presented with a development plan, outlining the foreseen steps envisaged to further develop, promote and/or implement the concept/idea with a particular focus on the year following the application.
The winners in each category will receive:
- EUR 30 000 and a communication package for the New European Bauhaus Awards
- EUR 15 000 and a communication package for the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars
To know more and choose your strand among the 10 categories, you can visit the official prizes page.
Here is the guide to applicants.
For any enquiry about the application process, please send an email to: contact.prizes@new-european-bauhaus.eu