24.05.2019_ h. 17.00 / 19.30 at Polifactory (Via Privata Simone Schiaffino, 22/30)
Designing across public services, organizational cultures and policies

Public sector organisations are increasingly asking professional designers to help them develop internal design capabilities and skills to enhance their ability to innovate and change. Together with the activation of a growing number of training programs or competence centers, the current debate is interested on how to better establish a new design culture within existing and consolidated organizational ones, to inform a transformation at different intertwined system levels: from organisations, to services, and policies. The seminar will discuss on how to go about designing across public services, organisational cultures and policies, starting from the project and research experiences of our guest speakers, to then open up a conversation with the audience.
Introduction by Daniela Sangiorgi.
[Event free of charge, register yourself here]
The event part of the series Design Research Critique seminars – 2019.
The seminar is composed of three events. Every event will consist of an introduction to the daily topic and three talks given by relevant domain experts. Following a moment of aperitif and networking.
Design at scale. A design system for the Italian Public administration
Lorenzo Fabbri / Head of Content Design at Digital Transformation Team, Italian Government
Designers Italia is one of the pillars of the digital transformation strategy driven by Digital Transformation Team – Italian Government. The project was born to provide an end-to-end design system for the Italian public Administration, with the vision of building a competence center for the development of services and to provide a better integration between design and public policies. At the same time, Designers Italia directly designs and implements a few “flagship” digital services, with the goal of building trust and show the effectiveness of a design-based approach.
A Service Design experiment in the Municipality of Turin: implicit and explicit effects on the culture of the organisation
Francesca Rizzo / PhD, Associate professor, Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano
Governments across Europe are experimenting with new methods and approaches to serving citizens. A long term experiment of service design is under development conducted by the Politecnico di Milano with the Municipality of Turin. The objective is to help the municipality to re-design a new register service. While the project is confirming the potential of service design to help the municipality to deliver better services some critical points are emerging: what are the effects of the interaction between the municipality culture and the design culture? how can design help to manage organisational transformations?
Laws, organizations, services and why it matters how we go about designing
Sabine Junginger / PhD, Head of Competence Center Design & Management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
The challenges of future government involve opportunities for the conception, planning and delivery of new government services. Since government services are almost exclusively instruments to realize and implement policies, designers increasingly are challenged to articulate and demonstrate how the design of policies, organizations and services are connected in order to enable and facilitate public sector innovation. At heart is the question: how do we go about designing, how do we want do go about designing and how might we go about designing? In this talk, I explain how practitioners on the ground can approach this problem and what design research already contributes to support the development of new design capabilities within government.