29 April 2024 @ Design Social Club
Animals are made, not just born:
a feminist approach to the animal question and its intersections
Federica Timeto
6.00 PM (CEST)
@ Design Social Club
Why is the animal question a feminist issue? In dialogue with Critical Animal Studies, antispeciesist feminism affirms that speciesism is an ideology of animalization always intertwined with sexism, colonialism, racism, ableism, which gives rise to different forms of oppression, exploitation and marginalisation that insist on human and non-human lives. Discussing the animal question from an intersectional antispeciesist approach, I explore some examples of animalization proving the intersectionality of speciesism but also the ways we it can be contrasted at a theoretical and practical level.
Bio of Prof. Federica Timeto
Federica Timeto teaches Critical Animal Studies and Sociology of the Arts and Feminist Media studies at Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. A transfeminist and anti-speciesist activist and theorist, she deals with cultural studies, science and technology studies, feminist theory. She is a member of the Institute of Radical Imagination (IRI) and the CriTT (Centro di ricerca internunversitario sulle tecnoculture transnazionali). Her monographs include: Diffractive Technospaces (Routledge 2015), Bestiario Haraway (Mimesis 2020) and Animali si diventa (Tamu 2024).

Gazan workers wait to cross into Israel in March 2022. Source: JewishCurrents.